Satisfying the growing demand for supplies and services in Guyana’s marine and offshore oil and gas industry, our vision is to provide clients access to world-class products and services that will supplement Guyana’s economic potential.


Vessel Services

With our team of experienced leaders and experts, we provide investors with a comprehensive set of services to help build their businesses from the ground up and ensure high success in running their operations.


Supply Boat

Equipment Transport, Ship Stores, Ship Spares, Crew, Garbage Disposal etc.

Transport Service

General Transport

Weekly transport to and from Guyana, Trinidad, Suriname and the wider CARICOM region.


Tugs & Barges

Spud barges equipped for sheet piling, concrete piling, & piling hammers.

Transport Service

Tugs & Barges

Tug & Barge services for construction aggregate and sand.

Equipment Supply, Delivery & Rental

We provide Marine, Safety, Industrial and Hardware Equipment for Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Construction, Government, Food, Service, Hotels, Security, Utility, Marine, and Resellers as well as equipment rental.

Marine & Offshore

Marine Safety

Marine & Offshore

Fall Protection

Marine & Offshore

Personal Protective Equipment

Marine & Offshore

Marine Electrical

Propelling Guyana's Marine & Offshore Industry

Excel’s mark of excellence ensures clients of its commitment to providing world-class quality services and engaging a highly skilled labour force.

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