International Supplier

SHeng Ji - Oil Field

Shengli Petroleum was restructured from the General Machinery Plant of Shengli Petroleum Administration, Sinopec. in October 2007. The company is an integrated petroleum machinery enterprise that focuses on the development and manufacture of oil drill and production machinery and Class I and II pressure vessels. In the meantime, the company also undertakes technical services such as installation as well as examination and maintenance of various petroleum engineering devices. Shengli Petroleum covers a land area of 630,000 square meters, in which there are 180,000 square meters of building area. There are 23 subordinate production and operation units, more than 1,000 facilities of various kinds, and more than 1,500 employees. At present, the company has 2 chief technicians, 9 experts in various fields, 67 technicians, and 127 engineers at intermediate and senior levels.

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